Agnieszka Malczak is one of the youngest members of the German Bundestag and a spokesperson in the committee on disarmament policy of the parliamentary group Bündnis 90/Die Grünen. During her stay in Washington DC from April 28th to May 6th, she will meet with representatives of the White House, the State Department and members of Congress. She will participate in a preparatory conference on the "Future of the Non-Proliferation Treaty."
She was born in Legnica, Poland on February 8th 1985 and completed her High Scool in June 2004. She is a Graduate Student at the “Eberhard-Karls-Universitaet” in Tuebuingen where she studies Political Science, Public Law and Philosophy. At her University, she has been a very active member of the student body and held the position of vice chairperson of the students union executive committee. In 2006, she was granted a Heinrich Boell Foundation Scholarship. Since 2005, she is an active member in the German Green Youth and since the 2009 general elections, she serves as a member of parliament for the German Green Party.